Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What She's Taught Me

You have to forgive this somewhat mushy post; but in light of the past week or so, I find it appropriate/necessary. The last post was about college basketball and that can't be discussed by me without mentioning my dad. But I find that I often leave out my unsung hero--my mom.

My mom is easily one of the strongest, most intelligent, most compassionate and impressive people I know. She had, what I truly believe, is the hardest jobs around: She is a full time mom, and managed to get all four children through college and then some. 

She's the loudest and best cheerleader that any child could have. She didn't bat an eye (although pretty sure she lost some sleep) when I told her I was going to Los Angeles for grad school, despite the fact I knew no one here. She always has faith in her children, sometimes to a fault (We do make mistakes, but she's on our side no matter what).

My mom has been the backbone to our family for years. She takes care of everyone and is the most selfless person I know. My mom is the person who takes everyone to the doctor; doesn't miss a baseball game, chorus performance, theater production; rearranges her schedule in a moment's notice; there's no emergency, diagnosis, or disaster that she can't handle and navigate. 

Being in a house full of men (3 brothers and my dad), she was my best friend from the get go. Don't get me wrong, I went through a typical teenage/college stage where I didn't tell her everything (2nd tattoo, anyone?). But we always make time for each other and think of each other (spur of the moment Carrie Underwood concerts, shopping trips, and the song below--I sent her the CD the second I heard the song).

She's taught me so much about who I am and continue to strive to be. As I've gotten older, I look back and actively thank her for decisions I hated at the time they were made. This probably sounds like a Mother's Day post, but what can I say? I firmly believe in making sure people you care about know it, regardless which month on the calendar it is--another thing I learned from her.

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