Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Can You Hear Me Now?

Today is one of those days that noise drives me, well...CRAZY. I talk on the phone for the majority of my work, which means hearing is essential. This essential part of my job isn't made easy: I do not have my own office, there are several televisions around me, and tons of other people. None of this includes phones and other operating systems around the office.

It was one of those days that I would rather just have a jack hammer next door than a loud voice. There are some people who's voices just carry shout, no matter what they are doing. If you don't know what type of person I'm talking about, you should meet my grandmother. Her voice was our beacon if we got lost at the fair or Disneyland (and no, I'm not kidding). The voices with that volume make you wonder if they are hard of hearing or if you soon will be.
My wonderful grandmother, Ed Nanny, and me at the fair. I didn't get lost! :)
The phones are often the most annoying, because I don't know how anyone in this century doesn't know how to silence or, at the very least, place their phones on vibrate. Some just think their ring tones are cool: which, let's face it, it's a phone, it's not that cool. Others swear they would never realize their phone was ringing without the noise, but there are two possible ways to solve that problem. They make carriers to put it on your hip so you can feel it, or place it in front of you on that flat surface we call a desk.

Anyone who knew me growing up is probably shocked at the news that noises drive me crazy. I was always super talkative and known to play my music WAY too loud (I even had my dad install extra speakers in my Escort). But as I've gotten old(er), I appreciate days where I can hear myself think, talk and type.

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