Friday, March 4, 2011

Speech Trumps Privacy

I was a political science minor in college and I thought that I learned alot from one of my favorite people: Dr. Robert Carley. But this week I have to question how much I really learned based upon a Supreme Court ruling.
One of my favorite people: Dr. Robert "Doc" Carley.
In my Constitutional Law class we learned that a person's rights only existed as far as someone else's rights started. In other words, your rights are sacred as long as they don't infringe upon someone else's. Apparently, the Supreme Court of the United States doesn't agree... at least not in regard to Freedom of Speech and Right to Privacy.

The horrible, non-profit "church" I mentioned in an earlier post was granted their right to freedom of speech by the Supreme Court. This allows them to continue picketing/protesting families' private funerals for soldiers and any other funeral they think will earn them press. It's disgusting that the Supreme Court finds that right more important than protecting the privacy of those who lost loved ones fighting for the very rights we are discussing here.

I expected more from our esteemed Justices. I thought that our "sensitive" society would hold the privacy of mourning more dear. Clearly, I was wrong; but I having a sneaking suspicion that I wasn't the only one proved wrong.

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