Friday, July 1, 2011

The Death of Daytime?

I'm calling my own meeting of Soaps Anonymous. I don't watch a ton of soap operas; to be honest I only watch General Hospital. My reasons my surprise some, especially because some of the stories lines as of late haven't been my cup of tea. But let me tell you how my loyalty started.
One summer during my middle school years I stumbled upon this beginning and staple of daytime television. At the time Robin Scorpio (now Drake--played by Kimberly McCullough) was a teenager, and she was madly in love with Stone. I was drawn in because not long before this I found out that a family friend on contracted AIDS while on her job as a nurse. During this time AIDS wasn't as widely talked about and there really wasn't that much information about it, but GH was telling Stone's story and his journey with AIDS. They were one of the only shows--daytime, primetime, whatever, that actually opened a dialogue and I had so many questions that I went through the learning with Robin. Not only that, the emotional end was true and realistic that it was brilliant.
Robin & Stone
Then as I entered high school a new group of talent took center stage and they were my age. Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst), Emily (Amber Tamblyn), Nikolas (Christopher Tyler) and the one consistent from my first watching Lucky (Jonathan Jackson). These four characters were beyond brilliantly written. Granted Nikolas' backstory, a prince with a very gothic background, was/is a little far fetched, but the dynamics of the group couldn't have been more grounded. With this group of four GH took on another (unfortunately still) widely undiscussed issue for at least it's second time--rape. This story line and Elizabeth and Lucky are the reason I keep tuning in 15 years later. They ARE my Luke and Laura.
Elizabeth & Lucky, the early years.
Then the writer's added Carly (originally Sarah Brown, now Laura Wright) and the viewers couldn't have asked for a better villain turned champion. Through the years GH has added other characters who warm my heart--Sam (Kelly Monaco), grown up Maxie (Kristin Storms), grown up Lulu (Julie Berman), Dante (Dominic Zamprogna), Patrick (Jason Thompson), Jax (Ingo Rademacher) and please don't forget Alexis (Nancy Grahn).

But all the fans are worried about GH's future with so many other soaps are getting canned. Television viewing has changed in so many ways just in the last few years that ratings aren't completely accurate until two weeks later so that the DVR viewings are factored. Unfortunately for a show that airs every day, people only look at the immediate results.

Clearly from my first paragraph I don't think the show is perfect; as a matter of fact I would say that the last 4-5 years the writing hasn't been it's best (with exception of the Domestic Violence storyline). During big months of the years the writers try to jump the shark (train crashes, serial killers, oh my), and have forgotten what brought them viewers in the first place: their social commentary, realistic emotions, and the ability that even the farthest fetched idea is grounded in a raw, common human trait.

There are a couple things that I hope the new writing regime accomplish: 1. Please get rid of Siobhan McKenna. No offense to Erin Chambers, I'm sure she's lovely. But the Irish accent is awful and I truly hate her with Jonathan Jackson (and in Port Charles in general unless she goes mute). 2. While I love Vanessa Marcil, Brenda's return is driving me batty. I don't like anyone blindly hating Carly. Robin and Carly spent years cultivating their dislike. Brenda has become like a dog with two bones--Sonny and Jax. I'll be honest, the way she's been written makes me fast-forward through those scenes. 3. PLEASE make Spinelli go back to his original incoherent babble.

But if the worst happens, and GH is added to the chopping block. The Spencer clan will be my most missed, followed closely by the Quartermaines. For me this families include the estranged, Carly and Jason, rarely scene now Monica and Bobbie. My best advice to the new writer's to keep that from happening: you have the talent, give them something amazing to do. Luke's Intervention, Carly's love for Michael, Nikolas and Lucky saying goodbye--all of these a recent great examples. Lucky finding Elizabeth after she was raped, Emily grieving her mother, Carly coping with post partum are some from longer ago. Please do amazing work so that loyal fans don't get annoyed and irritated and start turning the channel (or chose not to record) too! (Although as long as Jonathan Jackson and Rebecca Herbst stay, so will I).

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