Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I'm Done Believing

That's right, Ryan Murphy, I'm no longer a Gleek of any kind. (I'm sure my husband will be over the moon to hear this!) Glee has been a guilty pleasure for the musical theater geek in me, but I don't need that pleasure any more. It pains me to no longer watch a musical show, but I simply cannot support some one like you. I love what your show has done for chorus members and musical theater; however, you just insulted every artist that wants to do music once they leave high school or possibly college.

I rolled with the pathetically weak scripts of each episode because I enjoyed the music. I even grinned and beared the unworthy Emmy and Golden Globe nominations. I grumbled to a few choice friends and family that it was a tragedy you were nominated and true, original comedies like How I Met Your Mother were not. That's right, I said "original;" which I know you like to claim. BUT let's be honest, I rushed home from elementary school to watch Kids Incorporated-which in a lot of ways IS your show, only not in prime time.

My generations Glee (How quickly we forget).

It's an outrage that you had a temper tantrum because authentic artists didn't want to relinquish their hard work to you. Your show doesn't do rock, or at least not very well. Why on earth would Kings of Leon or Slash want to hand you a blank check with their integrity attached? Slash is far from having his career over. He's an icon who is touring with another icon (Ozzy) and is still putting out quality music. I pity you that you are short sighted enough to not give them the credit they deserve, but I'm not terribly surprised by it. Slash was inspiring kids before you were even a twinkle in Hollywood's eye.
Slash performing 1/4/2011 with Alter Bridge. He was the cherry on top of an awesome rock show!

So, Murphy, I will not help your ridiculous ratings. You don't need my number any way. In a few years your show will fizzle out (probably sooner rather than later if you keep insulting true musicians). I wish you the best of luck in learning that bees are more attracted to honey than vinegar for the next pop star you wish to include in your repeating story lines.


  1. Dude I'm growing more and more over Glee as the season goes on, I figure I'll watch the rest of it and be done with after that. I own the first season on DVD and will look back at it as one of those shows that needed to only be one season.

  2. OH! And I too remember kids inc.... and looooved it
