Monday, August 29, 2011

The End of Times

No, I'm not talking about Hurricane Irene nor the 5.8 earthquake that hit DC--I'm talking about the entire break down of the English language that the Oxford English Dictionary is partaking in.

I love words (clearly because I'm an avid reader and compulsive writer). So it was with horror--I mean, H.O.R.R.O.R.--that I read an article about what was being added/subtracted from the Oxford English Dictionary. And before I tell you this list, let me tell you that I'm not that old.

So the editors of the dictionary have decided that "cassette tape" no longer qualifies being mentioned in the dictionary. This is outrageous to me on so many levels. When I bought my car 6 1/2 years ago, I insisted that it had a CD player AND a cassette player (what can I say, I'm too cheap to upgrade my Paula Abdul and Wilson Phillips). But just because I haven't upgraded, doesn't mean I don't still want to hear "Rush, Rush" or "Hold On" from time to time.
This deletion wouldn't have me so up in arms if there weren't absurd things being added. I personally think you can add terms without deleting others. I'd rather have a dictionary that fills an entire library than have my descendants think their ancestors were vapid idiots. But aapparently these secret hipster editors are adding text talk: LOL, OMG, and <3. I'm sorry, but is this a joke? Two of those are abbreviations, and one is just a symbol! What warrants them being present in a dictionary? To further complicate the moronic values of these editors they've also included: sexting, mankini and jeggings. REALLY?!?
These additions are proof that the world is being taken over by pop culture and trash TV. I will fully admit I indulge in both to some degree, but I'm intelligent enough to know that the Jersey Shore broads getting colored contacts is not news. For any people who believe aliens exist in the universe, and wonder why they haven't made contact--just look at the cable line up, the "newspaper," and now the DICTIONARY! I wouldn't want to meet us either...

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